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Is Your Family Protected For The Future?

Is Your Family Protected For The Future?

Have you reviewed your Family Estate Plan?

Here is a checklist to see if your Family Estate Plan could use a review:

❑ Have you reviewed your existing Estate Plan within the last 2 years?

❑ Have any new children or grandchildren joined your family?

❑ Have you acquired any new assets or property since forming your Estate Plan?

❑ Does your Estate Plan give your family immediate access to the money they’ll need?

❑ Do you have Guardians named for you, your spouse, and your minor children?

❑ Do you have a Power of Attorney prepared for your family to handle financial matters?

❑ Do you have a Power of Attorney specifically for decision-making for your health care?

❑ Do you have property in your name as an individual?

❑ Do you share ownership of any real property with someone who isn’t your spouse?

❑ Have you changed your mind about the distribution of your assets?

❑ Does your Estate Plan avoid Probate?

Compare Your Family Estate Plan with our chart below..

Want to discuss preparing or reviewing your Family Estate Plan?

Call The Mendez Law Firm (407) 380-7724 or email us at to schedule your Family Estate Plan consultation.

Are you and your family protected? Follow the checklist above. Or call or email us for a FREE, no obligation estate planning consultation. We also offer you a FREE, no obligation Zoom consultation. Call or email today!