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Car Accident?


Car Accident? 7 Mistakes That Can Cost You Money!

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Mistake #1: Giving Statements to Insurance Companies

Most accident victims feel they can give statements to insurance companies because they will be truthful. However, accident victims are not experienced professionals and what may seem like harmless conversation can be a legal trap. 

The insurance company for the person who hit you may call and say they need to take your recorded statement about how the accident happened and the severity of your injuries. Don’t give them a statement without your Auto Accident Attorney being present. Why?

In many instances, the insurance company of the person that hit you takes a statement in order to use your recorded words against you to deny or reduce your claim.  An experienced Car Accident Attorney can help prepare you, and prevent an insurance company from tricking you into saying things that you didn’t mean to say and that can hurt your case. 

Before speaking to any insurance company, including your own, please contact your East Orlando Auto Accident Attorney at The Mendez Law Firm for a free Auto Accident Case consultation.  No obligation either. 

Mistake #2 : Handling Your Case Without The Help Of An Experienced Auto Accident Attorney

A recent study by the Insurance Resource Council discovered that accident victims that hire lawyers receive gross settlements three times larger than those who do not hire lawyers. Hiring a lawyer as soon as possible after your accident is very smart. 

Consider this. Would you go to a car lot and purchase a vehicle without first researching the price? How would you know that you’re getting a good deal? Would you trust the car salesman to tell you that you’re getting a good deal? It’s easy to do your own research when buying a vehicle, but not so easy for your Auto Accident case.

For instance, if you’re not experienced in handling auto accident cases, then how would you know whether you’re being offered a fair settlement from the insurance company for the  driver who hit you? Can you trust an insurance company that doesn’t even represent you to tell you that you’re getting a fair settlement? Do you know the true value of your case? Your East Orlando Auto Accident Attorney at The Mendez Law Firm can answer these questions for you.

Many accident victims want to settle their case as quickly as possible. Insurance companies know this and many times make you a small, nominal  offer to settle your case quickly, so you don’t hire an attorney. This is a mistake. 

You need someone looking out for your rights and your interests. Failing to contact an experienced lawyer before settling with an insurance company may likely cause you to settle your auto accident case for a lot less than your case merits. 

Call The Mendez Law Firm L.L.C, as soon as possible after your accident. Here in East Orlando, we are experienced in handling Auto Accident cases.  And, we’ve handled thousands of auto accident cases over the past 34 years. Call us for a free auto accident consultation at (407)380-7724.  And there’s No Obligation. 

Mistake #3: Trusting an Insurance Company to Protect Your Rights

Insurance companies are big business.  The less they pay out, the more money they make. Their goal is to pay you as little as possible for your auto accident case; or maybe even nothing at all.  It’s not their job to protect you.  That’s why it’s important to hire an experienced Auto Accident attorney.   Only your lawyer will protect your rights.

Mistake #4 : Failing to Go to The Hospital and Not Getting Follow-Up Medical Treatment. 

Many accident victims make the mistake of not going to the hospital or emergency clinic right after an accident. Most people think they’ll feel better within a day or two. However, studies how that pain and injuries from an auto accident may not show up for 48 hours to even 2 weeks after an auto accident.   So, it’s best to just go to the hospital if you’ve been in an auto accident to get checked out.

Failing to get medical treatment can also affect the value of your injury case. In fact, the longer you wait to get medical attention and document your injuries, the more harm it can cause the value of your case. Insurance companies routinely argue that a delay in medical treatment indicates accident victims may not have been as hurt as they may claim. 

During your case, our law firm advises you on how best to document your injuries. Please contact The Mendez Law Firm L.L.C and ask us what you need to do before its too late.

Mistake #5 : Not Continuing With Medical Treatment Because You Don’t Have Insurance

Sometimes accident victims do not continue with follow-up medical treatment because they don’t have health insurance. Not getting medical treatment could ruin your auto accident case. You can see a medical professional even if you don’t have health insurance. In most cases, you should not have to pay for treatment up front. We can help you with getting medical treatment.  If you don’t have medical insurance, get the advice of an experienced Auto Accident Attorney.  During your free auto accident consultation, we’ll explain how you can get the medical treatment you need; even if you don’t have health insurance. And remember, if you don’t get medical treatment, you probably will not receive an auto accident settlement.

Mistake #6:  Failing to Take Photographs of Every Car at the Accident Scene

It’s important to take photographs of your car, and the other person’s car that hit you. How can that help you?

Photographs of the property damage to each car involved in an auto accident can help show the severity of the accident’s impact and will prevent the insurance company from claiming that the impact was minor.

And you should note that your car may not have incurred the property damage like the car that hit you.  Your car may have been structurally more safe and secure compared to the car of the driver that hit you.  Most of the time, the insurance company for the driver that hit you won’t want to show us their driver’s property damage.  So make sure to take photos of both cars.  

Photos of your vehicle can also help prove that the accident is more serious than the insurance company claims. It may even help to show that your injuries from the auto accident are indeed serious at that you are entitled to a larger settlement. 

Mistake #7 : Cashing an Insurance Check or Signing an Insurance Company Release Before An Auto Accident Attorney Reviews It

Accident victims often cash insurance checks or sign an insurance company release without having an attorney review the documents. If you cash an insurance company check or sign a release for your property damage, you may also unknowingly have eliminated your right to make a claim for your personal injuries.   Money for items such as medical bills, lost wages, and even pain and suffering an be limited in this situation. 

Not having an experienced lawyer review an insurance check or release before you sign it can prevent you from making an injury claim for more money. Be smart! Have a trusted lawyer review any insurance check or release before you sign it. 

Your East Orlando Auto Accident attorney can review your auto accident case with you. Call The Mendez Law Firm at (407)380-7724 or email us at . The Auto Accident case consultation is FREE, and there is NO obligation

Conveniently located in the East Orlando area. Call The Mendez Law Firm TODAY at (407)380-7724 or email us at to schedule your FREE Auto Accident case consultation. Copyright © 2020. The Mendez Law Firm, L.L.C. All rights reserved.